Evolution of AI


                  EVOLUTION OF AI                  
by: Victor Young - Panama la Chorrera

I been trying to search all the relevant evolution points in the history of AI, seeing that we could say that the beginning of  the AI was somehow around 2007. so we can tell that after that, we have this little timeline

- 2007

Nvidia Launches CUDA, a set of tools that allowed application developers to write programs to run on NVIDIA's Hardware

- 2009

AI researchers discover GPU for Deep Learning

- 2010

Democratize Data Access begins - Kaggle - Data Science and ML competitions and ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge started to democratize data for Image Recognition


Democratize Machine Learning Knowledge begins - Andrew NG launches online course for Machine Learning in Coursera and Sebastian Thurn in Udacity


Google Brain Team finds cat videos from millions of  Youtube Videos using GPU and Deep Learning


Open Source framework such as TensorFlow and Keras releases, OpenAI starts to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity

-Early 2016

PyTorch Releases

-Late 2016

Started Machine Learning as service by companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft.


Caffe releases


Fast.ai release deep learning library, Google releases Tensor Processing Unit (TPU),


Proliferation of AI continues

before end this entry, I want to talk a bit about how fast the evolution of AI has evolved in the past time, it was an exponential increase rather than a lineal one.
because the AI evolve fast the more time pass. we can see below a quick video explaining how the evolution on the AI has goes so far...
