Advantages and Disadvantages of artificial intelligence

 Advantages and Disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI)

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Different voices from the technology sector defend the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

 The Product Manager of Infinia ML, Andy Chan, in a TED Talks with more than 40,000 visits on YouTube, breaks down the different advantages that AI brings to work.

Kai-Fu Lee, founder of the venture capital fund Sinovation Ventures and a leading figure in the technological field, also reveals in a TED Talks video with more than 600,000 views, the main benefits of AI.

Taking into account these two experts, these would be the main advantages of AI applied to a business sector:

*     1.  Automate processes: Artificial Intelligence allows robots to develop repetitive, routine and process optimization tasks in an automatic way and without human intervention. 

2. Power creative tasks: AI frees people from routine and repetitive tasks and allows them to spend more time developing creative functions. 

3. Provides precision: The application of AI is capable of providing greater precision than human beings, for example in industrial environments, machines can make decisions that were previously made manually or monitored without AI.

4. Reduce human error: AI reduces failures caused by human limitations. In some production lines, AI is used to detect by infrared sensors, small cracks or defects in parts that are undetectable by the human eye.

*  5. Reduce time spent on data analysis:  It allows the analysis and exploitation of data derived from production to be carried out in real time.

     6. Predictive Maintenance: It allows maintenance of industrial equipment based on the times and operating conditions of the same, allowing to increase its performance and life cycle.

*  7. Improved decision making at both production and business levels: By having more information in a structured way, it allows each of those responsible to make decisions in a faster and more efficient way. 

     8.Control and optimization of production processes and production lines: Through AI, more efficient processes are achieved, free of errors, obtaining greater control over the production lines in the company.

*   9.Increase in productivity and quality in production: AI not only increases productivity at the machinery level, it also increases worker productivity and the quality of the work they do. Being able to enjoy more information allows them to have a more focused vision of their work and make better decisions. 

    Disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI), risks and barriers

Some voices believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has risks. Especially if the potential of AI is explored and is not limited only to reproducing human tasks. Authors such as Stephen Hawking or Bill Gates and different researchers have expressed their concern about AI.

With regard to access barriers, these would be some of the most common that can occur in the business environment:

Data availability

 Data is often presented in isolation across companies or inconsistent and of low quality, presenting a significant challenge for companies looking to create value from AI at scale. In order to overcome this barrier, it will be vitally important to draw a clear strategy from the beginning to be able to extract the AI ​​data in an organized and consistent way.

Lack of qualified professionals

Another obstacle that often occurs at the business level to the adoption of AI is the shortage of profiles with skills and experience in this type of implementations. It is crucial in these cases to have professionals who have already worked on projects of the same size.

The cost and implementation time of AI projects

The cost of implementation, both in terms of terms and economics, is a very important factor when deciding to execute this type of project. Companies that lack internal skills or are unfamiliar with AI systems should consider outsourcing both implementation and maintenance in order to obtain successful results from their project.

In short, AI has become a very important resource for companies since it allows them to be much more competitive and obtain greater benefits, especially in manufacturing and production environments.

It is for all this reason that this type of professional profiles are increasingly in demand in the industrial sector, making it essential to have groups of experts in the field that allow the development of efficient digital transformation strategies.

We have a video explaining more in depth about the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
